目前分類:{London Memory 英倫札記 (4)
- Dec 06 Sun 2009 21:07
LONDON 2000-2001
- Apr 25 Wed 2007 20:52
[pc game] Alice (譯名:愛麗絲夢遊魔境)
- Oct 20 Thu 2005 13:07
在英國的時候,有一次重感冒,鼻塞、頭痛、發燒、全身痠痛、不停地流鼻水,整天都昏昏沉沉的,非常難受。由於不想花錢看醫生,就一直不停地喝檸檬片沖熱開水,希望趕快把病毒趕走。Host family的爺爺看到我這麼可憐,就把我叫到廚房,傳授了一劑英國人治感冒的秘方,還允許我可以隨時取用他櫃子裡的whiskey。我連續喝了三個晚上。
100cc whiskey + 檸檬汁(榨一顆量) + 蜂蜜適量
- Sep 29 Thu 2005 13:38
King's Cross Station, London
This rail station is home to the magical "Platform 9 3/4," where the young wizards and witches board the Hogwarts Express.
The station is real and found on Euston Road, in the King's Cross district of north central London. It is one of 10 main-line stations in the English capital and headquarters of the Great North Eastern Railway, whose line snakes up the United Kingdom’s east coast, through North London and Hertfordshire, to northern Scotland. This rail line had a famed engine, the Flying Scotsman. King's Cross also is a boarding station for the "Underground," or London subway system.