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我看電影沒有事先看故事大綱的習慣,因為這樣才能完全投入故事情節當中,讓心情隨之起伏。伊旺麥奎格(EWAN McGREGOR) 和芮妮齊薇格(RENEE ZELLWEGER)兩位都是凱西和吳老爺非常喜歡的演員。從猜火車、紅磨坊、到大智若愚,EWAN的演技和電影都相當扣人心弦。
RENEE在這部片子裡飾演的是英國童書「彼得兔」的作者 BEATRIX POTTER一生的真人故事,喜歡英國口音的人千萬不能錯過。劇中外景在英國北部的渡假勝地「湖區」(The Lake District) 拍攝,景色美得令人摒息。RENEE在拍攝這部片的時候說: "You can sense the peace [Potter] found there, that she craved. The access to all the things she liked most, the things that inspired her, the colours that she used in her painting, the light is a little bit different, the quiet allows you to sit and take it in. This would feed he woman's work. You can feel it".
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我看電影沒有事先看故事大綱的習慣,因為這樣才能完全投入故事情節當中,讓心情隨之起伏。伊旺麥奎格(EWAN McGREGOR) 和芮妮齊薇格(RENEE ZELLWEGER)兩位都是凱西和吳老爺非常喜歡的演員。從猜火車、紅磨坊、到大智若愚,EWAN的演技和電影都相當扣人心弦。
RENEE在這部片子裡飾演的是英國童書「彼得兔」的作者 BEATRIX POTTER一生的真人故事,喜歡英國口音的人千萬不能錯過。劇中外景在英國北部的渡假勝地「湖區」(The Lake District) 拍攝,景色美得令人摒息。RENEE在拍攝這部片的時候說: "You can sense the peace [Potter] found there, that she craved. The access to all the things she liked most, the things that inspired her, the colours that she used in her painting, the light is a little bit different, the quiet allows you to sit and take it in. This would feed he woman's work. You can feel it".